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TeamViewer is one such remote support app with cross-platform support for OS X, Windows, and Linux on the desktop side, plus iOS, Android, and Windows 8/RT for mobile platforms (sorry BlackBerry users, support is in development at the time of this writing). This helps IT professionals provide off-site support as if they were physically sitting in front of the node(s). Thankfully, there are remote access applications that allow IT to do more with less by leveraging internet bandwidth, whether they’re interacting with a single desktop or an entire LAN of desktops. If they go down, that may very well represent loss of revenue or even loss of life in the case of health care support personnel.

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Mission-critical means just that: it’s critical to the mission the servers are carrying out. For some, support knows no bounds - time, distance, or elevation.

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Jesus Vigo walks through the steps of connecting remotely to OS X and iOS with TeamViewer. How to connect remotely to OS X and iOS with TeamViewer

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